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Expertise of PoB riders is deep and the breadth is wide

Psychs on Bikes

During our longer, multi-week Psychs on Bikes rides we tend to run a professional development workshop. It's an opportunity for riders to demonstrate their expertise in mental health, share and exchange professional insights and to learn more about each other.

This year it was in Mt Isa, in partnership with headspace Mt Isa. The program below highlights the breadth and depth of expertise. We're very fortunate to have such a vast array of talent and dedication to support the organisation.

Psychs on Bikes 2021 Conference

Held at Isa Hotel, Mt Isa, Queensland on Friday 7 May 2021


12.30 pm Welcome and introduction by Dr Joseph Dunn Founder Psych on Bikes

12.45 pm

Speaker: Debra Gillick: RN; Grad Dip OH&S; Grad Cert Public Sector Mgt; Grad Dip

Mgt; experience running psych programs and 20 years work in health regulation (retired).

Title: Title use under the National Law

Synopsis: Explanation of the title protection mechanism of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 and implications for participating members who are unregistered or retired.

1.10 pm

Speaker: Susan Jury: NZRCpN, MPH.

Title: Voluntary Assisted Dying: An Overview

Synopsis: An overview of the VAD laws in Victoria and nationally; some context from the past 18 months in Victoria including implications for healthcare providers, organisations, families and people seeking VAD.

Speaker: Matt Dale: Reg psychologist, BA, MA.

Title: Practical before funky.

Synopsis: Using practical approaches to achieve engagement and traction.

Speaker: Sigrid Tagaloa: Social Worker and Manager at Headspace

Title: Headspace Mt Isa

Synopsis: Overview of Headspace Mt Isa as a lead agency; Gidgee Healing; engaging aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

2.25 pm

Speaker: Mark Goddard: RN, Credentialled Mental Health Nurse: Grad Cert. Healthcare Mgt.

Title: WQPHN Approach to Providing Stepped Services

Synopsis: Outline of WQPHN approach to providing stepped services in remote areas. In light of funding silos, ensuring the patients can navigate between and across the silos.

3 pm Afternoon tea break

3.20 pm

Speaker: John Cantwell: Reg psychologist, BA (psych)

Title: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Synopsis: ACT: A- accept your thoughts and feelings; C – Choose a valued direction; T -Take action.

3.45 pm

Speaker: Dr Joseph Dunn: MBCHB, Dip Obst, FRNZCGP, FRANZCP, Founder Psych

on Bikes, Medical Superintendent Northside Cremorne Clinic; Private Psychiatrist

Title: Look into my Eyes: Thoughts on the Mental State Examination

Synopsis: The Mental State Examination is often poorly recorded in modern psychiatry. I investigate one aspect of that – the look in patients’ eyes.

4.15 pm General discussion and further questions

4.45 pm Summary and closing remarks by Dr Joseph Dunn Founder Psych on Bikes

5 pm Close

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